This week we will study some Web Resources which train us to use Google GCP which is a competitor of Amazon AWS:
Feb 18:
This week we will study some Web Resources which train us to use Google GCP which is a competitor of Amazon AWS:
This will be a repeat of the Feb 15 Meetup.
Feb 24:
This week we will study some Web Resources which train us to use Google GCP which is a competitor of Amazon AWS:
Feb 25:
This week we will study some Web Resources which train us to use Google GCP which is a competitor of Amazon AWS:
Mar 2:
LOCATION: 333 W. Maude [Maude and Mathilda] #110
This week we will study some Web Resources which train us to use Google GCP which is a competitor of Amazon AWS:
If you want to sign up for a free GCP account, bring your laptop, gmail-account, and a credit card.
The WIFI at this location is EXCELLENT.
We offer: Table, Chair, Power, and WIFI.
This 2 hour Meetup is timed to start at 5pm Friday so you can attend Free-Training rather than sit in traffic.
This is the MEAT of what Dan Bikle is teaching:
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Lesson 001 [ Google GCP ]I have taught this lesson several times now.Most of this lesson is done with a browser. I offer tips for success.
I created 7 tabs in that window. In tab 1 I loaded this URL: In tab 2 I loaded this URL: In tab 3 I loaded this URL: In tab 4 I loaded this URL: In tabs 5,6,7 I had done nothing (yet). After I created the 7 tabs, my Chrome-window looked like this: I clicked on tab 2, the codelabs-tab. I continued this lesson by studying the URL listed below: On that page I assume the correct ordering of some links is listed below:
Next, in the codelabs-tab, I clicked this link: saw a simple path through 4 pages. The third page had a noteworthy URL I used to get $300 of cloud-credit from Google: I loaded the URL into the GCP-tab: I logged in using my gmail account. It worked well; I gave it my credit-card info. It gave me $300 of cloud-credit from Google. I hope that you can also get that credit. Next, I visited the URL listed below: I used that page to create a project called cpb100. Google needed 4 minutes to create project cpb100. Although I wanted the name to be cp100, Google added some text to the end of the name: cpb100-195004 Google created a URL for the project: In the upper right I saw a blue-button called "UPGRADE". I clicked the button. Next, I accepted the upgrade offer because I wanted access to services required by future training sessions. Then I verified that the "hamburger-link" in the upper-left behaved well when I clicked it. It did behave well and I was ready to move on. In the codelabs-tab, I returned to the URL listed below: [top] Compute-EngineNext, in the codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I quickly clicked through the first two links in that page and landed at this URL: It asked me to click the upper-left-hamburger-link in my project page. I went to the GCP-tab and did that. Then I followed the advice to click the "Compute Engine" link on the left: I saw this: I clicked the "Create" button. It served me a form from this URL: I saw this: I clicked radio-button: "Allow full access to all Cloud APIs" I deviated from the tutorial and clicked the link: "SSH keys" Note: If you are on windows, you can get ssh from the URL listed below: My intent was to ease my ability to ssh into the GCP-Instance from a shell in my laptop. The text I mouse-copied into the GCP SSH-key-form came from this file: ~/.ssh/ It looks like this:
The last line asks GCP to create a Linux account named "dan" in the new Linux instance. I saw this: Next, I clicked the blue "Create" button. GCP started the instance in about 1 minute. I saw the corresponding IP address: I saw this: I tried to login with this shell command:
I used a shell command which asked to login as "dan".
If you do not know how to start a shell on your laptop, you should click the SSH-link in your GCP-tab: Next, I returned to the codelabs-tab; I studied the instructions in this page: I returned to my shell-window. I followed instructions I had just read:
In the codelabs-tab, I returned to the URL listed below: That ended my interaction with the CPB100-node I call: "Compute-Engine". [top] Cloud-StorageNext, in the codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied the page there and clicked through until I landed at this URL: I verified that I could ssh into the GCP instance I had created earlier. I saw this: After the instance served me a shell prompt, I issued a shell command:
I ran more shell commands: I read the content on that page. Next, I clicked the github-tab. I visited the URL below: I studied the above page. I returned to the shell. I ran two shell commands inside the GCP instance:
I noticed a new file which python created:
In the codelabs-tab, I clicked the next node in the page and landed on this URL: I clicked on the GCP-tab. I visited the URL below: I hovered the button: "GO TO CONSOLE". I made note of its href-URL: I clicked the button. It sent me to a page I call: "Dashboard". I clicked the upper-left-hamburger-link and from there clicked: "Storage". It served me a page with blue-button: "Create bucket". I clicked "Create bucket". It served me a form asking me to name a new bucket. I called my new bucket: cs101feb2018 In retrospect, I can see now that was a poor naming choice. Now I know to create buckets with shorter names. At the bottom of the form I clicked the blue "Create" button. I saw evidence that it worked. It served me a page, called "Browser", prompting me to upload files into the bucket. The page reminds me of the page served to me by AWS when I work with S3. I saw this: In the codelabs-tab, I returned to the cpb100 page: I clicked the next node in the page and landed on this URL: I returned to the shell prompt of my GCP instance and type a command:
I verified by returning to the "Browser" page in the GCP-tab and inspecting the contents of cs101feb2018. It listed three files:
In the codelabs-tab, I returned to the cpb100 page: I clicked the next node in the page and landed on this URL: I returned to the "Browser" page in the GCP-tab. I checked the boxes to "Share publicly" the three files in cs101feb2018. I list the resulting URLs below:
The google server asked me to authenticate. Google should not force me to login to gmail in order to see publicly-shared content. Based on this "feature", AWS-S3 is clearly superior to GCP-Storage. In the codelabs-tab, I returned to the cpb100 page: I clicked the next node in the page and landed on this URL: I followed the instructions in that page to delete my GCP instance. I saw this: In the codelabs-tab, I returned to the URL listed below: That ended my interaction with the CPB100-node I call: "Cloud-Storage". [top] Cloud-SqlThis sub-lesson has many steps and offers many opportunities to get lost.Good Luck! In the codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied the page it served me: I studied the next page in sequence: I studied the next page in sequence: In the GCP-tab, I visited this URL: I found the tiny "Cloud-Shell" button near the upper-right. I hovered it to see: "Activate Google Cloud Shell". I saw this: I clicked it. A dark window appeared at the bottom. After 15 seconds, a white shell prompt appeared in the window. I tried some shell commands and saw this:
I moved that tab so it was tab #5, the tab after GCP-tab. After that, GCP issued an error. I sense that it some kind of GCP-bug: It is unfortunate that GCP lacks reliability. The error suggested that I send feedback. So I did that and halted my activity in this lab for a day. After 24 hours, I continued. In GCP-tab I started a new Cloud-Shell. I move the shell to its own tab (tab #5). Cloud-Shell stopped issuing errors. In the codelabs-tab, I returned my attention to this page: In the Cloud-Shell-tab, I typed a shell command which looked familiar:
I returned to the codelabs-tab. I navigated to the next page in the sequence: I returned to the Cloud-Shell-tab. I ran another command:
I verified success of the above command by visiting an appropriate URL: I returned to the codelabs-tab. I navigated to the next page in the sequence: I studied that page. The page listed 10 steps. To start step 1, clicked the GCP-tab and I visited this URL: I clicked the upper-left-hamburger-link and from there clicked: "SQL". It served me a page describing: "Cloud SQL Instances"
I clicked the blue: "Create instance" button. In the next page I picked the MySQL radio-button. I clicked the blue: "Next" button. I saw this: I clicked the blue: "Choose Second Generation" button. The next page landed me in a field: "Instance ID". I entered string: "rentals". I entered root password: "root". I saw this: I clicked the blue "Create" button. GCP served me a page with information about my new db instance:
Next I clicked the Cloud-Shell-tab. I ran shell commands:
If you have problems getting permissions granted, GCP allows you to grant permissions in a web page. A clue to do that is described below: In the GCP-tab, visit this URL: Then look for a link for the MySQL instance. Under that link find the authorization form. I saw this: Enough about that; back to the lesson. In the codelabs-tab, I navigated to the next page in the sequence: I studied that page. The page listed 4 steps. To start step 1, in the GCP-tab, I navigated to the URL listed below: I clicked the link called "rentals" which is the name of the Instance I created earlier. I clicked "Import" at the top. GCP served a page: "Import data from Cloud Storage" I saw this: I clicked the button named: "Browse". GCP served a link named: "cs101feb2018" which is the name of the bucket I created earlier. I clicked the "cs101feb2018" link. GCP showed three files and a folder named "sql" in that bucket. I clicked "table_creation.sql" in that folder. I saw this: GCP activated a blue button named "Import". I saw this: I clicked the button. GCP got busy for 10 seconds and then indicated success with a green-check-mark. I saw this: In the codelabs-tab, I navigated to the next page in the sequence: I studied that page. The page listed 3 steps. To start step 1, in the GCP-tab, I navigated to the URL listed below: I clicked the link called "rentals" which is the name of the Instance I created earlier. I clicked "Import" at the top. I browsed to accommodation.csv and selected it. GCP served me a page: "Import data from Cloud Storage" I selected radio-button: "CSV". I selected database: "recommendation_spark". In the next field, I entered string: "Accommodation". GCP responded by activating the blue "Import" button. I saw this: I clicked the button. GCP quickly served me a page named "Instance details". Quickly after that it served a green-check-mark to indicate success. I clicked "Import" at the top. I browsed to rating.csv and selected it. GCP served me a page: "Import data from Cloud Storage" I selected radio-button: "CSV". I selected database: "recommendation_spark". In the "Table" field, I entered string: "Rating". GCP responded by activating the blue "Import" button. I clicked the button. GCP quickly served me a page named "Instance details". Quickly after that it served a green-check-mark to indicate success. In the codelabs-tab, I visited the next page in the sequence: I studied that page. The page contained 5 steps. To start step 1, in the GCP-tab, I visited this page: I used that page to get the IP address of the MySQL instance: Next, in the Cloud-Shell-tab, I entered a shell command:
So, GCP gave it a new IP address. It was up to me tell MySQL about this problem. I tried these shell commands:
[top] DataprocNext, in the codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied the page it served me: In the Cloud-Shell tab I verifed that repo: "training-data-analyst" was still available. I verified that my MySQL instance and tables were still available. In the codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied the page it served me. I clicked the next link in the series: I studied the page it served me. In the GCP-tab I noted the region of my Cloud SQL instance: "us-central1". I clicked the upper-left-hamburger-link and from there clicked: "Dataproc". GCP served me a page with blue-button: "Enable API". I clicked it. GCP served me a page with blue-button: "Create cluster". I saw this: I clicked it. GCP served me a form to configure the cluster. I ensured the cluster was in same region as my Cloud SQL instance: "us-central1". I changed machine type of both master and worker nodes to: "2vCPUs 7.5 GB memory" I specified the cluster have two nodes (the minimum). I saw this: I clicked the blue-button: "Create". GCP served a page indicating it was busy building the cluster. I saw this: Eventually, it finished. I saw this: In Cloud-Shell-tab I issued shell commands: In Cloud-Shell-tab I tried this shell command: I studied that page. I ran a shell command to open an editor in Cloud-Shell-tab:
I saw this: I entered a shell command: I clicked the "Jobs" icon on the left. It served me a page with blue-button: "Submit job". I clicked "Submit job". GCP served me a job-submission form for Hadoop. I changed the job-type to: "PySpark" I indicated the location of the Python script to be this:
Near the bottom, I clicked on the blue-button: "Submit" GCP accepted the job and then gave it a status of: "Running". I saw this: After two minutes, GCP changed the status to "Succeeded". In codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied that page. In GCP-tab, I got the IP address of MySQL from this URL: In Cloud-Shell-tab, I verified that I could connect to MySQL.
I got authorization again with these shell commands:
So, I see that as solid evidence that I was able to finish the Dataproc lab. In the codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied that page. In the GCP-tab, I visited this URL: I selected my instance and asked GCP to delete it to prevent more charges against my account. I visited this URL: I selected my instance and asked GCP to delete it to prevent more charges against my account. That ended my interaction with the CPB100-node I call: "Dataproc". [top] DatalabNext, in codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied the page it served me: I clicked the next link in the series: In the GCP-tab, I visited the URL below: In the Cloud-Shell-tab I entered a command:
I entered a shell command: The above page served a blue-button: "ENABLE". I clicked the button. In Cloud-Shell-tab I entered a shell command:
The button looks like this: I opted to change the port: I changed the port to 8081 and clicked through. GCP loaded a page from this URL: I made sure that page was in tab 6, the tab after the Cloud-Shell-tab. I call tab 6 the DataLab-tab. I captured an image of the page: In the GCP-tab, I visited this URL: The page told me that GCP had just started an VM instance named "mydatalabvm". I saw this: In codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied the page. I ran an experiment to verify the information there:
[top] Bigquery-DatasetIn codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied the page it served me: I clicked the next node in the sequence: I studied that page. I clicked the next node in the sequence: I studied that page. In DataLab-tab, I verified this URL was active: In codelabs-tab, I clicked the next node in the sequence: I studied that page. In DataLab-tab, I visited this URL: I clicked the +notebook button. The server responded with a page which reminds me of a Jupyter Notebook UI: In Github-tab, I visited this URL: demandforecast.ipynb I copied some Python syntax from demandforecast.ipynb into the field in the new notebook UI: So, I was bouncing between the Github-tab and DataLab-tab. In the DataLab-tab, I asked the UI to run it. It ran fine. I continued the process of copy-paste-run on each section of code I found in demandforecast.ipynb Each section ran just as expected. Next, in GCP-tab, I visited this URL: I stopped mydatalabvm to avoid adding costs to my account. That ended my interaction with the CPB100-node I call: "Bigquery-Dataset". [top] TensorFlowIn codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied the page it served me: I studied the next page: I studied the next page: In GCP-tab, I visited the console-URL: In Cloud-Shell-tab, I issued a shell command:
GCP loaded this URL into my browser: I move that page so it occupied DataLab-tab [ tab 6 ]. I clicked the +notebook button in upper-left. GCP served a page with name: "Untitled Notebook1". The page offered an input field for notebook commands. The author of this notebook server assumes that I know how to operate a Python Jupyter notebook. A GCP-datalab notebook offers behavior similar to a Jupyter notebook. In Github-tab, I visited the URL listed below which offers syntax for a Jupyter notebook: demandforecast.ipynb I scrolled to this h2-element [about 2/3 to page-end]: "Machine Learning with Tensorflow": I studied four paragraphs below the h2-element. I studied the Python syntax below the paragraphs:
I copied syntax from demandforecast.ipynb into "Untitled Notebook1", in DataLab-tab. I did the copying bit-by-bit; I was patient. I wanted to study the output at a slow pace. Eventually I worked all the way through the syntax in: demandforecast.ipynb Next, in GCP-tab, I visited this URL: I stopped mydatalabvm to avoid adding costs to my account. That ended my interaction with the CPB100-node I call: "TensorFlow". [top] Translate-APIIn codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied the page it served me: I studied the next page: I studied the next page: In GCP-tab, I visited this URL: I saw a blue-button: "ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES". I clicked it. GCP served me a large list of APIs. I enabled: "Google Cloud Vision API". GCP served me this page: I clicked the credentials-key-icon on the left. It served me a blue-button: "Create credentials". I clicked it. At that point the UI mis-matched the instructions I was following in cpb100. So I was confused. I visited this URL: From select-option control I picked value: "Google Cloud Vision API". Next I picked radio-button: "Yes I am using one or both". I clicked blue-button: "What credentials do I need?" GCP served me a message: "You don't need to create new credentials" So, I clicked blue-button: "Done". I followed the same process to enable Translate API, Speech API, and Natural Language APIs. In codelabs-tab, I studied the next codelabs-page: In GCP-tab, I visited my console URL: In Cloud-Shell-tab, I entered a shell command:
The Datalab URL served to me looked like this: I moved that page so it was tab 6, the DataLab-tab. In codelabs-tab, I studied the next codelabs-page: I visited the GCP-tab and loaded a URL: I clicked credentials-icon on left. I clicked blue-button: "Create credentials". I clicked API-key. GCP gave me this key:
mlapis.ipynb I studied comments in that page. I returned to my Datalab-tab. I clicked +Notebook It served me a new notebook with a field for syntax. I typed in this syntax:
Next, one field at a time, I carefully copy-pasted syntax from Github-tab to my Datalab-tab. I saw responses from GCP which matched information in the Github-tab. So, I am confident I completed the lab with no error. In my GCP-tab I loaded this URL: I stopped the instance named: "mydatalabvm". Next, I loaded this URL: I used the trash-can-icon to remove the API key I no longer needed. That ended my interaction with the CPB100-node I call: "Translate-API". [top] Serverless-IngestIn codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied the page it served me: I clicked the next node in the sequence: In Cloud-Shell-tab, I issued a command:
It means that I had already git-cloned training-data-analyst. I responded with a shell command: The script is a simple Python Flask App. This app has one interesting route: Flask transforms the CSV-data into an image of earthquake activity. This happens during a Flask response to a request of the '/ingest' route. Near the end of the response, Flask uploads the image to GCP-Cloud-Storage. The author of the script separated ingest_last_week() into sections:
In codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied the above page. In Cloud-Shell-tab I ran a command:
After the host is available, root should run shell commands:
Then, Docker should make /app the Current Working Directory. Next, Docker should run a shell command:
I assume that after Docker runs, then a Flask app will be running on the host. In codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied the above page. In Cloud-Shell-tab, I used the nano editor to enhance cron.yaml:
That bucket is named: "cs101feb2018". In Cloud-Shell-tab, I used the nano editor to enhance app.yaml: I studied the above page. In Cloud-Shell-tab, I ran a shell command:
I decided to abandon this effort. Perhaps in the future I will encounter App-Engine training content which works better. That ended my interaction with the CPB100-node I call: "Serverless-Ingest". [top] Distributed-LandsatIn codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied the page it served me: I studied the next page it served me: In the GCP-tab I visited this URL: I clicked the blue-button: "ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES". I searched for: "Google Dataflow API". I found it; I enabled it. In codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the series: I studied that page. In tab-7 I visited the URL below: how-to-do-distributed-processing-of-landsat-data-in-python In Github-tab, I visited the URL below: In the above page I studied the run() method. Below, I list sections of that method which I see: I studied that page. In Cloud-Shell-tab, I ran commands:
I ran two shell scripts I found in the folder: I studied that page. In GCP-tab, I visited the URL below: I saw this: I saw that as good evidence that my DataFlow job was running. Eventually, it finished: In GCP tab I visited URL: I searched about and found much output from DataFlow: That ended my interaction with the CPB100-node I call: "Distributed-Landsat" Also that ended my interaction with the CPB100. [top] | | About Blog Contact Links Lessons |
Lesson 002 [ More Google GCP ]I have taught this lesson several times now.Most of this lesson is done with a browser. I offer tips for success.
I created 7 tabs in that window. In tab 1 I loaded this URL: In tab 2 I loaded this URL: In tab 3 I loaded this URL: In tab 4 I loaded this URL: In tabs 5,6,7 I had done nothing (yet). After I created the 7 tabs, my Chrome-window looked like this: I clicked on tab 2, the codelabs-tab. I continued this lesson by studying the URL listed below: I saw this: On that page I assume the correct ordering of links is listed below:
Next, in the codelabs-tab, I clicked this link: saw a simple path through 4 pages. The third page had a noteworthy URL I used to get $300 of cloud-credit from Google: I loaded the URL into tab 3, the GCP-tab: I logged in using my gmail account. It worked well; I gave it my credit-card info. It gave me $300 of cloud-credit from Google. I hope that you can also get that credit. Next, I visited the URL listed below: I used that page to create a project called cp100. After I created cp100, GCP displayed a "CP100" select-option-link at the top of every GCP page in my GCP-tab: That ended my interaction with the CP100-node I call: "Free-Trial". [top] Cloud-LauncherNext, in the codelabs-tab, I clicked this link: studied this page: I studied this page: In the GCP-tab of my browser, I confirmed that I had project CP100 loaded. I visited this URL: I saw this: I clicked the "upper-left-hamburger-link": I clicked "APIs & Services": I saw this: Near the top I clicked blue-button: "ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES": I searched for "Compute Enginge". I found it: I clicked the blue-button: "ENABLE". After two minutes, GCP signaled success. I returned to the codelabs-tab. I studied the next link in the sequence: I returned to the GCP-tab. I clicked the "upper-left-hamburger-link". I clicked "Cloud-Launcher": I found LAMP by Bitnami: I clicked blue-button: "LAUNCH ON COMPUTE ENGINE". After a short delay, GCP served me a configuration page: I assumed that the default configuration was fine for my training. I clicked the blue-button: "Deploy". GCP served status during deployment: In the codelabs-tab, I studied the next link in the sequence: In the GCP-tab I clicked the link site address near the top. A LAMP server responded: I closed that tab. In the GCP-tab I clicked the SSH link: After 30 seconds, GCP served me an SSH window: In that window I issued shell commands:
The LAMP server appeared in a new tab with this URL: I enhanced the URL: The server responded with configuration information: The above page convinced me that I successfully completed this exercise. In the GCP-tab I clicked the blue-trashcan-button "DELETE" near the top: GCP deleted that server for me. That ended my interaction with the CP100-node I call: "Cloud-Launcher". [top] App-EngineNext, in the codelabs-tab, I clicked this link: I saw this: I studied that page. I clicked the next link in the sequence: I studied the page. I bookmarked useful links in that page: I studied the page. In the GCP-tab of my browser, I loaded a URL: I clicked the upper-left-hamburger-link. From there I picked "Source Repositories": GCP served me a page. I clicked blue-button "CREATE REPOSITORY": GCP asked me to name my new repository. I called it: "default": GCP served me a page: At the upper-right of that page I clicked a small icon to activate: "Cloud-Shell": I moved the Cloud-Shell window into its own tab (tab 5). I changed the text to be black on white: In that Cloud-Shell-tab, I entered commands: I saw this: I studied the URLs listed below:
This file looked interesting: container-engine/Dockerfile In the codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the sequence: I studied the page. In the GCP-tab I loaded this URL: I studied the page and recognized it as a git repo. I saw this: I clicked the folder: "app-engine". I clicked the file: "app.yaml". I saw that it was a simple yaml file. I clicked the folder: "app-engine". I clicked the file: "". I saw that it was a simple Python file. I clicked the folder: "app-engine". I clicked the file: "". I saw that it was a simple Python file. I clicked the folder: "app-engine". I clicked the folder: "bookshelf". I studied files in that folder. In the codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the sequence: I studied the page. In Cloud-Shell tab I entered commands: I saw this: In the codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the sequence: I studied the page. I clicked the next link in the sequence: I studied the page. In tab-6 I asked for browser-refresh with ctrl-r. After that I saw this: I clicked green-button: "Add book". I saw this: I entered information about a book. I clicked green-button: "Save". I saw this: In the GCP-tab I visited a URL: I saw this: In the GCP-tab I visited a URL: I clicked app-engine folder. I clicked bookshelf folder. I clicked I saw this: In the codelabs-tab, I studied this page: I carefully read: "Step 5". In my mind I joined that section with (in GCP-tab). Now I understand Cloud Datastore better. If I ever need to add a No-SQL datastore to a python-web-app I will return to this lesson. In the codelabs-tab, I clicked the next link in the sequence: I studied the page. That ended my interaction with the CP100-node I call: "App-Engine". [top] Cloud-StorageNext, in the codelabs-tab, I clicked this link: I saw this: I studied that page. I clicked the next link in the sequence: I studied that page. I bookmarked three links in that page: I studied that page. I clicked the next link in the sequence: I studied that page to understand the shell commands below: In the GCP-tab I visited a URL: In the top-right, I clicked the Cloud-Shell icon to start a new Cloud-Shell. I moved the new Cloud-Shell window to tab 5. In Cloud-Shell-tab, I entered commands:
In Cloud-Shell-tab, I entered another command:
In the GCP-tab I visited a URL: I clicked folder: "cloud-storage". I clicked "". I studied lines 47 through 49. I clicked folder: "cloud-storage". I clicked folder: "bookshelf". I clicked "". I studied lines 47 through 69. I clicked folder: "bookshelf". I clicked folder: "templates". I clicked "list.html". I studied lines 31 through 35. I clicked the next link in the sequence: I studied that page. In Cloud-Shell-tab I entered command:
I clicked the next link in the sequence: I studied that page. I studied the output from gcloud app deploy (displayed above). It gave me the URL of my app on appspot: target url: [] I visited I saw this: I clicked geen-button: "Add book". I added a book and pressed the green-button: "Save": I saw this: In GCP-tab I loaded URL: I found the image for the book: That ended my interaction with the CP100-node I call: "Cloud-Storage". [top] Compute-EngineNext, in the codelabs-tab, I clicked this link: I saw this: I studied that page. I studied the next page: I bookmarked links in that page: In the GCP-tab, I visited URL: I clicked folder: "compute-engine". I clicked folder: "startup-scripts". I clicked file: "" I studied lines: 20, 45, 52. In the codelabs-tab, I studied the next page: In GCP-tab I visited URL: I used the top-right Cloud-Shell icon to start a new Cloud-Shell. I moved Cloud-Shell to tab-5. In Cloud-Shell, I issued commands:
In Cloud-Shell, I entered a long command: I saw this: I made note of the IP address: I visited URL: I saw this: In the codelabs-tab, I studied the next page: I visited the Bookshelf-tab. I clicked green-button: "Add book". I filled out the form and clicked green-button: "Save". I saw this: In the codelabs-tab, I studied the next page: I bookmarked links in that page: In the GCP-tab I visited this URL: I deleted the instance: "bookshelf". In the GCP-tab I visited this URL: I saw this: I clicked link "default" near top-left. I clicked link "Firewall rules": I deleted the rule for 8080. GCP indicated success. That ended my interaction with the CP100-node I call: "Compute-Engine". [top] Container-EngineNext, in the codelabs-tab, I clicked this link: I saw this: I studied that page. I clicked through to the next page: I bookmarked links in that page: I studied that page. In GCP-tab I visited this URL: Near the top I clicked blue-button: "ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES": I searched for "Kubernetes Engine API". I found it; I clicked on the square: I was ready to click the blue-button: "ENABLE". But, GCP indicated that it was already enabled: In the Cloud-Shell-tab I clicked "Reconnect": I entered shell commands: I clicked folder: "container-engine". I clicked folder: "bookshelf". I clicked file: "". I studied line 18. I studied lines 24,25,26. I studied lines 49 through 70. I returned to folder: "container-engine". I clicked file: "bookshelf-frontend.yaml". I studied lines 24 through 52. I studied lines 63 through 77. In the codelabs-tab I clicked through to the next URL: I studied that page. In the Cloud-Shell-tab I entered commands:
I captured output from the end: In tab-6 I entered this URL: I saw this: In codelabs-tab I clicked to the next page: I studied that page. In the bookshelf-tab (should be tab-6), I clicked the green-button: "Add book". I filled out the form: I clicked green-button "Save"; It responded: In codelabs-tab I clicked to the next page: I studied that page. In codelabs-tab I clicked to the next page: I studied that page. In GCP-tab, I visited URL: I clicked the icon: "bookshelf". I clicked the trash-icon on the left; I wanted to delete the cluster: In GCP-tab, I clicked the hamburger-link. I picked "Container Registry". I saw this: I clicked "bookshelf": I checked it; that activated blue-button: "DELETE". I clicked: "DELETE": In GCP-tab I visited URL: I saw this: I deleted the two firewall-rules for bookshelf: In GCP-tab I visited URL: I saw this: I clicked the trashcan-icon to delete that service: I visited the VM URL to ensure I had no VMs eating my GCP budget: GCP showed that none were running. That ended my interaction with the CP100-node I call: "Container-Engine". [top] Big QueryNext, in the codelabs-tab, I clicked this link: I saw this: I studied that page; I clicked through to the next page: I bookmarked links from that page:
I memorized the above image as this phrase: Project has many Datasets has many Tables has many Rows with Columns I clicked through to the next page: I studied that page. In the GCP-tab I visited the URL to set my project to CP100: After I set the project to "cp100", I clicked the top-left-hamburger link. From there I clicked BigQuery near the bottom. It opened a new tab with this URL: I saw this: I clicked the select-option to the right of cp100: I asked for a new Dataset named: "cp100": I clicked blue-button: "OK". Next, I clicked the tiny-blue-button: "+". GCP offered me a form to specify Source-Data: I filled it out: At the bottom I clicked blue-button: "Create Table". I saw this: I inspected the new table: I returned to the codelabs-tab. I clicked through to the next page: I studied that page. I clicked through to the next page: I studied that page. In the BigQuery-tab I clicked link: "Compose Query" BigQuery offered a TextArea-element for me to enter syntax: I entered syntax:
BigQuery responded quickly: I returned to my Cloud-Shell. I asked it to "Reconnect". I entered command:
That caused BigQuery to fail. I tried other ideas but they all failed:
To clean-up, I clicked on my BigQuery tab. I found the link to "Delete Dataset"; I clicked it: BigQuery indicated successful delete. That ended my interaction with the CP100-node I call: "Big Query". Also that ends lesson002 of [top] | | About Blog Contact Links Lessons |
Lesson 003 [ Intro Data Science ]Topics:
AnacondaAnaconda runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux.I started by downloading Anaconda 5.1.0 for my laptop: After I downloaded it, I started the install by clicking on the download. During the install, I answered yes to all the defaults. After I installed Anaconda, I saw this:
JupyterJupyter is an interesting application.You can learn a bit about Jupyter at the URL listed below: I see Jupyter as a mashup of a Python interpreter and Web technology. I can use Jupyter to expose some Python syntax to a group of people who are running browsers who then want to see that syntax run in their browswers. I bumped into Jupyter in two types of situations. The first type is what I call the presentation-training-scenario. If I present a small amount of Python based content to a room full of Python programmers, Jupyter can be a good fit for that task. The second type is what I call the development-scenario. In this situation I need to write some code to deliver a feature in a production app. Is the production app running in Jupyter? Probably not. So to me it's obvious that Jupyter makes a poor development environment. So I remember two points:
On windows you should find the right icon and then click on it. On windows if you have trouble, I offer a tip: On my laptop after I typed: "jupyter notebook", I saw this: On the right, I clicked the new-link and I saw this: I typed in some Python syntax:
That just made the field larger. I entered shift-enter. Python came to life and ran that Python syntax: Now you know enough Jupyter to learn some Python. [top] PythonHere is some Python:
Then in Jupyter, use shift-enter to run it. I did that. First, I saw this: Then, I pasted: Then, I pressed shift-enter: If you can do that in your laptop, you are on the right path. Time to move along. I show you More python below. Try to slowly and carefully run pieces of it in Jupyter:
Data ScienceTo do this exercise I shutdown Jupyter.Then I downloaded two CSV files into my Downloads folder on my laptop: I wanted Jupyter to see those two files. So, I used two shell commands to start Jupyter from the Downloads folder:
I ran the Python in my Jupyter Notebook and it worked well:
I saw this: I saw this: Questions/Answers
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Lesson 004 [ GCP Dataflow ]GCP Dataflow is described in this URL: If you want a free GCP account to do this lesson, you should be able to get one: Google will want you to login using gmail. Also they will want your credit-card information. So, you should do that now. Or, if you want, just keep reading. To do this lesson, I needed only a browser. I used a Chrome browser. To start, I logged into gmail. Next I loaded a URL: I saw this: I created a project: Notice in the above image that I did not use the suggested project-name. Instead I called my new project: "dfnow". Dataflow depends on a bucket: I created a bucket called "dfnow": I checked that it was available in the browser: Next, I loaded a URL: I saw this: I clicked blue-button: "CREATE JOB FROM TEMPLATE". GCP served me a form to fill out: I wanted to test if Dataflow would work for me. So, I supplied minimal information to the form. I clicked blue-button: "Run job". GCP served me an error: I looked for help: I returned to URL: I saw this: I clicked blue-button: "Try Dataflow": It offered me help with my permission problem. I clicked through: I clicked blue-button: "Enable APIs": It needed two minutes: It finished. I clicked blue-button, "CREATE JOB FROM TEMPLATE": GCP served me a form to fill out: I wanted to test if Dataflow would work for me. So, I supplied minimal information to the form. I clicked blue-button: "Run job". Instead of serving an error, GCP launched a Job: I saw information about the job as it progressed: After 4 min 28 sec, it finished: I visited a URL to search for the job-output: I found it and clicked on a file in the dfnow-bucket: I saw output from the job: After I studied the files, I deleted them from the bucket: At that point I was convinced that I had the permissions I need to submit Dataflow-jobs. [top] Python DataFlowI started this effort by activating Cloud-Shell:I clicked button on the right to give Cloud-Shell its own tab: I like to have my Cloud-Shell tab to the right of my GCP-tab: I visited a URL and studied it: I should have started there. The above page offers information on how to avoid the API-permission-error I encountered. In Cloud-Shell-tab I issued commands:
Then, I prepared two shell variables for a large Python command:
Eventually it finished: In the buckets-Browser, I looked for output from the job: I found output from the job: After I saw that output, I returned to the buckets-Browser and removed files from that job. That concludes this lesson on GCP-Dataflow. [top] | | About Blog Contact Links Lessons |
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